Hashim bin Yahya Al-Shami, his era and life (1087-1158 AH / 1676-1745 AD)


  • Prof. Dr. Ahmed Abdulaziz Ahmed Al-Maleky Associate Professor of Islamic Creed and Thought - Faculty of Arts - Taiz University


His era - his life - passion


The research aimed at studying the era of the scholar Hashim Bin Yahya Al-Shami and his biography, using the historical, descriptive, analytical, critical and comparative approach to study the political, social, economic and cultural aspects of that era. The research concluded with a wide range of results related to the dimensions of Al-Shami's era, and his valuable efforts to seek and disseminate knowledge in that era



How to Cite

AlMaliki, P. D. A. (2017). Hashim bin Yahya Al-Shami, his era and life (1087-1158 AH / 1676-1745 AD). Al - Saeed University Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences, 1(2), 46. Retrieved from https://sjhas.org/index.php/Journal/article/view/32