The congruence of the inter-views between Khaldunian theories and forensic sciences (Injustice is a portent of the fall of states and the ruin of urbanization)


  • Hakim Ebrahim Abdul Jabbar Al-Shamiri Assistant Professor, Sharia Department University Sultan Azlan Shah, Malaysia


graphic visions, Sharia, society, injustice, theories, age, Ibn Khaldun.


     In light of what we see in our Arab society of peoples' injustice, and the consequences of this injustice in terms of the destruction of homelands, the loss of money, and the fall of many authoritarians; it would not have fallen if it had not been for injustice and tyranny. As a result, we must document some of the social facts and interconnected theories mentioned in Ibn Khaldun's introduction, as well as the extent to which this social theory is compatible with legal texts. We hope that by emphasizing sociology, we can highlight its importance and benefits in social life, as well as demonstrate the extent to which sociology is interconnected with legal texts in many concepts and cosmic traditions. To identify the characteristics of Ibn Khaldun and the advantages that distinguish him in sociology from others, we also hope to revive the social heritage and use it in the service of humanitarian issues, raise awareness of society, warn them of the consequences of injustice, and move away from the mistakes made by previous nations through this study. The significance of this research lies in observing the experiences of previous nations stipulated by Sharia, which are compatible with Khaldunian theories. It is perilous because it destroys cities, disrupts thought, corrupts the mind, and weakens nations and peoples.

Author Biography

Hakim Ebrahim Abdul Jabbar Al-Shamiri, Assistant Professor, Sharia Department University Sultan Azlan Shah, Malaysia

Assistant Professor, Sharia Department University Sultan Azlan Shah, Malaysia



How to Cite

Al-Shamiri, H. (2023). The congruence of the inter-views between Khaldunian theories and forensic sciences (Injustice is a portent of the fall of states and the ruin of urbanization). Al - Saeed University Journal of Humanities and Applied Sciences, 5(4), 41–79. Retrieved from