Implementation of surgical safety checklist in Mukalla hospitals; Yemen


  • Dr/Maha Bin Dahman Assistant professor in anesthesia, department of fundamental medical sciences, faculty of nursing, Hadhramout University, Mukalla, Yemen.
  • Prof.Dr.Nawal Banafa associate professor community medicine, department of fundamental medical sciences, faculty of nursing, Hadhramout University, Mukalla, Hadhramout, Yemen.
  • Prof\Fahmi Aram Professor in surgery, department of surgery, faculty of medicine, Hadhramout University, Mukalla, Hadhramout, Yemen.

الكلمات المفتاحية:

surgical safety checklist, Mukalla hospitals


Background: The use of WHO surgical safety checklist results in striking improvements in surgical outcomes and decreases effectively the adverse events; accordingly, it necessitates rapid adoption worldwide. We are going to assess the extent of application of such checklist in our surgical setting.

 Methods: we surveyed all six hospitals in Mukalla city in three months period (aug- oct 2016), Observations and interviews were conducted using already prepared forms. The data was analyzed by SPSS version 20.                      

Results: Atotal of six hospitals performed 110 procedures during the three months period. The private hospitals implementing the WHO surgical safety checklist more than government hospitals 87.10 % vs 79.39%.  (Sign out) part of the checklist was the most applied 86.75% followed by (sign in) and (Time out) 86.37%, 81.08% respectively. The overall application of the standards of the checklist in Mukalla hospitals was 81.77%.                        

Conclusion:  The surgical safety checklist of WHO was partially applied in our hospitals. The checklist is a simple tool, which can downloaded freely from the WHO.  Adaptation of the checklist to suit local conditions is encouraged.   




كيفية الاقتباس

Bin Dahman, D., Banafa, P., & Aram, P. (2018). Implementation of surgical safety checklist in Mukalla hospitals; Yemen. مجلة جامعة السعيد للعلوم الانسانية و التطبيقية, 2(1), 6. استرجع في من