Knowledge and Attitude of Premarital Counseling Among Hadhramout University Students in Mukalla City, Yemen during 2020-2021
Premarital counseling is one of the health promotion activities and it is a type of therapy that helps couples prepare for marriage. Premarital counseling can help ensure that you and your partner have a strong, healthy relationship.
The purpose of this study is to assess the knowledge and attitude about premarital counseling among Hadhramout University Students. Also, to determine the factors for refusing premarital counseling (P.M.C).
The study design was a cross-sectional descriptive study, which was carried out at the College of Nursing Hadramout University in the academic year 2020_2021 in Mukalla City, Yemen.
Study population:
The study population was obtained from 384 from 11025 students by group (1) of 4th-year students, College of Nursing Hadramout University in academic year 2020_2021 in Mukalla City –Yemen...
The study showed a majority of the participants believed that there was important to carry out PMC before marriage, The majority of the participant, accept the idea of PMC in general, agree with counseling program increases people's awareness of the program before marriage, have a positive attitude toward (PMC) and shown
males have higher Attitudes toward (PMC) than females.
The present study showed that the males had more significant knowledge and attitude score than females about premarital counseling. Also, there are associations between knowledge and attitude of students about PMC and their socio-demographic characteristics including gender and hereditary disease of family.